Friday, September 28, 2007

Burma update, before the weekend

Following up on the post earlier this week about Myanmar/Burma’s unfolding saga, I should offer a quick update. Especially since for North America, Friday afternoon is on us, and the weekend’s distractions may soon begin.

President Bush and the U.S. administration did, indeed, back words with actions this week by ratcheting up sanctions against the military regime. There are some doubts about what impact the increased sanctions will have, but in fairness, I don’t think there is much the U.S. can do directly to influence the regime.

Instead of exploring the minutiae of the debate about whether sanctions are helpful or problematic, I’d like to highlight a few Burmese bloggers, brought to global attention by Richard Ehrlich of the San Francisco Chronicle (at least that is where I found out).

All the blogs he shares have at least a couple things in common: they are run anonymously, they are apparently run by people in Burma, and there is clearly a state of turmoil in what they are posting.

One, by an author claiming to be a woman is written in staccato snippets—posted all at once, but time-stamped and covering events over the course of a day.

Another is clearly more politically focused, with a photo collage on the front page including the caption “Stop Dictatorship Now!” Further down the page is an explanation/apology, “sorry i am closing down Cbox for a while for having miss used, and writing bad words. Thank you”. Most interesting are the photos posted to the site, and the link to a Picasa album of the processions of monks from Monday.

Lastly, there is a blog clearly maintained by a foreigner. It was mostly dormant for the previous 9 months (sounds familiar...) but was resumed shortly after the oil and gas price-hikes at the end of August. It gives a very lucid description of what has been happening, and puts it in a fairly clear context. I don’t know enough about Burma to know if it is accurate. It hasn’t been updated since last weekend.

On what may happen next: the U.S. has little influence in Burma, and has admitted as much. President Bush's statement seems directed at the largest country in the region, China, as much as our closest ally in the region, Thailand. Both have significant interactions with Burma--though it is unclear that either has great leverage. And neither has the same interest. A piece in the current issue of Foreign Affairs, by Michael Green and Derek Mitchell lays out the history, the current challenges, and a possible way forward.

By all accounts, the current protests in Burma began because of price-hikes, and concerns over acute economic conditions. This rapidly expanded into a broader political demonstration. Burma is not the only country with energy-related economic concerns, or political conditions that may change considerably with a small spark. With the world highly interconnected (see yesterday's post), it may be worthwhile to consider how to ensure global progress is not subject to major ups-and-downs caused by volatility in a relatively small number of places.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

The coming age of thirst

If there was ever a need for the reminder of just how interconnected the world is, there is a piece in today’s New York Times (yes, I’m very happy Times Select is defunct) that helps bring it home.

China is consuming its freshwater at runaway speeds. In the words of Fred Pearce, “If northern China were a separate country, it would be one of the most water-stressed in the world.”

China’s industry consumes 3-10 times the water of comparable industry in the developed world, according the Times article. China’s farmers are siphoning water out of the ground to sustain crop-growth in semi-arid parts of the country. The easy answer would, of course be to stop farming in dry areas, and to ratchet up standards on manufacturing to use water more efficiently (see what a Coke-WWF partnership is striving towards, here).

If the solutions were easy, there wouldn’t be much need for a discussion.

Here is my guess at some of the problems China is facing in solving this challenge:

  1. Modern, developed-country standards for manufacturing are more expensive, are probably less labor-intensive, and probably require a more sophisticated maintenance system than current operations. So to make this work would be to actually reduce the number of jobs available, and to increase the product cost (because in Northern China, labor is still cheaper than capital). To be environmentally responsible, then, might mean putting industry out of business.
  2. Maintaining a near-self sufficient farming base gives China two things: first, a huge job-cushion. If a person can’t find a job, but has food (because he or she is a farmer), there isn’t the same kind of urgency as there would be if there were no farmers; and second, it gives an abundant supply of low-cost food for China.

A significant change in either of these policies exposes China to great uncertainty about the future, and likely unrest of some form or another. And all of this is independent of China’s challenges with providing its people (and economy) enough electricity to satisfy increasing demands from an increasingly affluent populace. Currently, most of that growing demand is slated to be satisfied by newly built coal-powered generation plants.

To this point, the problems have all been China-related. The connections to the world are numerous. Some overt, and others more subtle. Starting at the above the waterline issues, and plunging quickly:

Global food prices. If China changes its policies about domestic water use for farming, it could greatly impact the global supply of grains like corn, rice, and soybeans. This would be great for other farmers around the world who would receive higher prices for their crops. But it would be bad for global consumers—especially poor urban consumers—who have to spend relatively high portions of income on staple foods.

Global trade. European and U.S. trade imbalances with China would likely decrease, as our farmers would be able to sell their crops to China. If China’s industry was using more water-efficient processes, the per-unit cost would likely increase as well. This means that the American consumer would likely buy less (or the factories would leave China all-together). On the surface these two seem beneficial, but the ripple effects would likely trend negatively. Job-loss in rural northern China would require the government to spend more of its money on social-welfare, job retraining, or educational programs. And since we’re talking about programs for a few hundred million people, these would be significant expenses. There may also be programs to support grain-purchase subsidies, to keep the prices low for the urban poor. This means the Chinese will have less money to pump back into the U.S. economy in the form of buying our government debt. This leads to downward pressure on the dollar, which leads to an increasing interest rates and fears of inflation.

To be clear: China is going to do what is in China’s interest, not in the U.S. interest. But if the U.S. wants China to deal effectively with the water problem it is facing (which is, incidentally, the same water-problem the U.S. faces, by the way), we will have to find a way to work with China to use less water, grow or buy the same amount of grain, and do them both without significantly disrupting their current pace of economic growth.

Monday, September 24, 2007

New plan

The blog has been on life-support for almost a year now. Rather than mothballing it, I thought I'd make a couple of changes and take another run at it. The biggest change is that I'm moving out from behind the curtain. It's just me posting, so no real purpose in veiling my identity. It'll still be the same topics and format though. If anyone is still reading, I'm always interested in comments.

And, since I work in a sector that does international affairs research and writing, I should add one thing: these are my views. Only my views. Comments are not. Hopefully that will keep things interesting.


The stirrings of a democracy

President Bush has promoted his “Democracy Agenda” as a cornerstone of our foreign policy. Inevitably, Iraq has taken center-stage on that in the past several years. As Saturday’s Washington Post points out, there is an opportunity for the U.S. to bring greater attention to a movement that is actively pursuing real democratic reform in a country that is long overdue for it: Myanmar.

Formerly known as Burma, Myanmar is a country that has had a military junta for the past 19 years. It came to power by crushing a democratic movement spurred on by students and Buddhist monks and nuns. Most people in my generation know of Myanmar only through the movie “Beyond Rangoon”.

Myanmar has certainly moved beyond Rangoon. Since taking power, the junta has kept dissident leader Aung San Suu Kyi detained under house arrest for 12 of the past 18 years. More than that, though, their fear of the United States has caused the junta to build a new capital in the jungle about 200 miles north of Rangoon.

Myanmar allows limited interaction with other countries, and has an ongoing row with Thailand over the number of ‘displaced people’ who keep exiting Myanmar for Thailand. This limited interaction has changed to moderate attention in the past month.

On August 19, the junta raised the price of energy—for some forms, up to 500%--overnight. For comparison, if gasoline prices in the U.S. increased 500% overnight, we’d be paying $13.35 for a gallon of gas tomorrow. In a country where the average income is $1,800 per year and 70% of the people are farmers, that is nothing to sneeze at.

Following this price increase, people throughout Myanmar took to the streets to demand change. At first the protests were a relatively small affair. But they have grown steadily in the intervening month. Yesterday nearly 20,000 monks, nuns, and average citizens were reported to have marched through the streets. Some of the onlookers even shouting support for Suu Kyi.

Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice made a statement supportive of the Burmese people over the weekend, and said Bush was likely to say something soon. Attention for the most recent stirrings of democracy in Burma would be welcome, but action even more so.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007


I am declaring victory in my one-man battle against Time Select. I discovered today (though it must have happened a few days ago) that the New York Times has discontinued it's strange and incomprehensible policy of trying to force online readers to pay extravagant amounts of money for today's news: Times Select is defunct. Let's hope it stays that way. And, just in case you want to find out yourself, the New York Times can be found at: They have great international reporting. I especially like their Asia-correspondants.