Tuesday, July 26, 2005

A Change in Medium

This is a moment many of you have long waited for. If for no other reason, it means that I'll stop filling your inboxes with lengthy treatises on my topic-de jour. You know who you are (and so do I).

On a more macro-level, I thought I'd use this post as a chance to describe what this blog is trying to do. My new housemates and I have talked a few times that we have our own little version of the Real Worldรข„¢. I mean, what else could it be when five policy school graduates stop being polite, and start living together? Currently there are four of us--representing Minnesota, Wisconsin and Texas. When we're finally at full fighting strength, we'll be joined by an Iowan. Undoubtedly we'll have visitors for shorter- and longer terms, as this is DC.

Not wanting this to be a strictly soap-opera style diary of our lives, it will probably also play host to what, until now, has been my irregular musings on national and world events. In fact, in the next couple of days I might put up some thoughts from earlier this spring when I was having "fun" learning about the Minneapolis electoral process.

I hope you make it back regularly, and if you see something you agree with, disagree with, or find amusing, let me know. I'm always up for a good discussion.

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