Thursday, November 24, 2005

Ice and Erhus

This was supposed to be posted yesterday morning right after I got to work, but something got crossed in my emailing it in. So, 30 hours late, here it is:

In the public interest and community news section of the blog today, Wednesday in DC is great.
Why? I broke a frozen puddle at the bus stop this morning. This means winter has finally arrived, and real people are allowed back outside without fear of heat stroke. It was such a nice morning that a co-worker I met crossing the street on the way in said, "I hate the cold but there's something in the air today. It's electric." It's going to be a good day (and we have been "released" at 3 pm, so it'll be a short day).
Also, walking past the subway this morning the normal saxophonist had been replaced. Apparently by a pre-Holiday special musician. He was playing erhu! I mean, what? In DC? That's WAY out of character. But it did make me feel like I was back in a Jilin Karaoke restaurant, so it just added to the greatness that is first-frozen-day of the year.

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