Thursday, October 20, 2005

Carol in North Korea

I was itching for some asia news this morning, and got more than I bargained for. First there was a bunch of small-scale stuff about earthquakes in Japan, U.S. troop problems caught on tape in Afghanistan, the normal ho-hum of the Washington Post.

Not the BBC! I open up the BBC's asia-pacific page, and guess who's face is staring at me?

For those of you who are Steve, Natsuko, Ska or Amy, that's Carol (on the right). She, without knowing me or Steve, and only knowing Ska for about 2 days, put up a whole bunch of us in her apartment in Beijing for a couple of days. And now she's staring at the world from the webpages of the BBC. The internet makes the world a little wierd sometimes. Click on the photo for the BBC story.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She rocks.